Sunday, December 29, 2019

5 Ways Your Resume Can Dazzle Your Future Employer

5 Ways Your Resume Can Dazzle Your Future Employer5 Ways Your Resume Can Dazzle Your Future Employer5 Ways Your Resume Can Dazzle Your Future EmployerMake your resume razzle dazzle em.Whether your job search consists of networking events, responding to online posts, or calling on companies for which youd like to work, the one constant (besides you, that is) is your resume. This essential document will almost always be requested, making it your key to success. Resumes can serve multiple functions, and a well written and professional one will serve each of them. Of course, the ultimate goal is for it to help you land a job, but to do that, it must tick off some boxes along the way. So here are some of the most important purposes of a resume, and how you can ensure you are capitalizing on all of them to dazzle your future employer.Your resume shows you are qualifiedThis may sound like a no-brainer, but its not. Its easy enough to list all the jobs youve had and what your responsibilitie s were for each. This does not, however, convince a hiring manager that you can perform the particular job at hand. Hiring people is like having a huge jigsaw puzzle with a missing piece, and the candidates are each a potential piece that will solve the puzzle. You want to show in your resume just how well you are matched to the position and that you can be their solution. How? By reviewing the job listing and ensuring all your skills and experience that are relevant to the position are highlighted on yourresume. Then you can prove to an employer that you have the qualifications they are looking for.Your resume demonstrates your communication and technical skillsUnless you are applying for a job where no computer work is required (and there arent too many of those anymora) or where communication isnt necessary (ditto), your resume should reflect standard computer and communication skills. How? Through a proper treatment of language and a strategic use of bullets, bolding, italics, a nd formatting.When used correctly, the language in your resume can not only get the right points across, but it can also demonstrate to an employer that you have the ability to communicate clearly. And as far as language is concerned, it doesnt stop there. A TopResume study found that 79 percent of recruiters find spelling and grammatical errors to be the No. 1 deal breaker for resumes. Clearly, dazzling an employer is not just about effective language its about flawless language. As for the technical skills, the formatting tricks mentioned above will show an employer that you know your way around a computer. Plus, they make your resume more visually appealing and improve readability.Your resume proves your valueAlthough it may be a reasonable assumption that you have been successful at those duties listed on your resume, stopping there will not impress a hiring manager. Instead, you need to show the positive results and the impact you made at previous jobs. Nothing predicts future behavior as well as previous behavior, so if you have a track record of growing revenue, creating a safety culture, or increasing profitability, show it off Use numbers as concrete evidence of your accomplishments. Brag a littleit will dazzle.Your resume shows your integrityResist the temptation to overinflate your accomplishments. Savvy hiring managers, especially ones who have done the job for which you are applying, know what is expected, what is reasonable, and what is possible. If you make an outrageous claim, its likely that an employer will catch on, and youll lose both your credibility and their respect. And if you have made an unbelievable accomplishment, make sure you have the numbers to back it up. Your integrity is at stakeRelatedCaught in a Resume Lie The Stories of Fibbing Job SeekersYour resume indicates your potential longevityMost employers are looking to invest in a candidate for the next three to five years at least. If you are just departureing out, or if your j ob history shows a pattern of short-term assignments (18 months or less), you may have to work a little harder to impress a potential employer. If there were acceptable reasons outside your control for your moving on, mention them briefly in your cover letter. If circumstances have changed, you can mention that too. Do your due diligence at helping your future employer understand why, no matter your history, youre the one to invest in for the future.At the end of the day, your resumes main purpose is to get you to the interview where then its your turn to make your mark. But in order to get there, your resume has to be polished to perfection. If you want to land the job, youve got to dazzle them from start to finish from your resumes first line to your goodbye handshake in the interview.Click on the following link for more resume advice.Is your resume fizzling instead of dazzling? Submit it for a free, objective critique and well let you know how you stack up.Recommended Reading11 Steps to Writing the Perfect ResumeWords and Phrases to Remove From Your Resume Right AwayHeres the Right Way to Format Your Resume

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

How to Address a Layoff on Your Resume

How to Address a Layoff on Your ResumeHow to Address a Layoff on Your ResumeThe 30-year-old electrical engineer wanted one job, thats it, to carry him from graduation to retirement. When he was laid off by a large national pipeline company, he was mad. True, it wasnt personal he was only one of several hundred included in the companys workforce reduction. But still, he was mad.It really showed through in his attitude as we practiced for interviews, said his career coach/resume writer, Jacqueline Garwood, who said herbei clients negativity seeped through no matter what he was actually saying in the practice interviews. It was my major focus in coaching.Garwoods client was worried that the layoff would make him appear unemployable and present an obstacle to getting a new job. And he was right, if only because of his attitude, said Garwood, who coached him out of his anger and taught him to present a better image to recruiters and hiring managers.The engineer is not alone in presuming h is unemployed status made him less employable. Recruiters and hiring managers who spoke to Ladders admitted it can be an impediment to being hired. At the very least it is not preferred, they said.But job seekers can take steps to present themselves and their unemployment in the best possible light and make it clear that theyre still active in their professions.Are companies biased against the unemployed?A phenomenon of the poor economy is that recruiters and hiring managers have grown mora accepting of unemployed candidates. They call it candidate forgiveness, the willingness to consider an unemployed candidated who otherwise meets the job requirements. Saying that you were laid off is no longer a problem. In fact, its not outrageous to say that its expected said Bruce A. Hurwitz, president and CEO of Hurwitz Strategic Staffing. Thats the good news about the economy. Employers realize that it is not necessarily the candidates fault that he or she is unemployed.But it remains undesi rable, and many recruiters and employers remain downright hostile to unemployed candidates. The sentiment was captured by this job posting from an electronics company in Texas, as profiled in a June 4 article on the Huffington Post Clients will not consider/review anyone NOT currently employed regardless of the reason.According to Christine P. Bolzan, founder of Graduate Career Coaching, prejudice against hiring the unemployed has contributed to the rise in long-term unemployment. It is so challenging to attain re-employment in this environment and job seekers need to do all they can to keep their resumes and online profiles current, she said. You need to have work to find work.Stealth layoffsA particular problem is what Bolzan refers to as stealth layoffs, where a company eliminates employees but refuses to term it a layoff for fear of acknowledging financial difficulty. It leaves the laid-off employee to grapple with the false impression that he was fired. It is a particular probl em for many of Bolzans attorney clients, she said. Ive seen dozens of cases where very talented folks are making it to final rounds of interviews only to lose the spot at the end where references have been called and firms are still not owning up to the nature of the layoffs, Bolzan said. I have also been told by mid-career job seekers working with recruiters that specific companies have instructed them not to even bother showing them candidates who are unemployed.The best advice, according to Bolzan If you can help it, stay employed if you cant, use your resume to work around the issue.How to look employed when youre unemployedDont let a work-history gap creep into the top of your resume after youve been laid off. Career counselors advise unemployed job seekers to take on work they can list as experience, whether its contracting or a volunteer position. Working on a book and consulting are other endeavors that show youre still engaged with the world and which you should list on you r resume just make sure that whichever task you take on, its related to your former line of work.For example, a sales professional might take on fundraising for a cause that she supports or even for an alma mater, Bolzan suggested. Not only will this keep your resume current, but it also might present networking opportunities, she said. It is not hard to find a local charity that can benefit from pro bono professional services such as accounting, public relations and strategy consulting.If your profession has a formally organized charitable organization, such as Greater Boston Legal Services, approach them with your resume and a set number of hours youd like to contribute each week. Volunteering is not only a great way to stay current but will also give your days structure, meaning and a reason to leave the house.Lowball offersOn the other end of the spectrum are those hiring managers who see a work-history gap and figure the job seeker is hungry enough to take a lower salary. Dr. L arry Chiagouris, professor of marketing at Pace University, has heard this attitude from human-resources managers who tell him that given students of his are out of school for so long without a job, managers know theyll take less money just to get their foot in the door.It works the same way with mora senior execs, Chiagouris said. Given the cost pressures companies are facing, they are not only looking for the best person, but they are looking for who will cost them the least amount of salary.Deborah A. Bailey had one client who was laid off from a high-level position and was interested in a job at a lower level. Since the clients desired position involved more hands-on work than her previous management position, Bailey said, Bailey emphasized her clients hands-on experience on her resume. Though she was laid off from her previous job, by playing up her transferable skills on her resume, she could show that her overall business experience was strong and worth consideration, said Ba iley, a career expert, speaker and author of Think Like an Entrepreneur Transforming Your Career and Taking Charge of Your Life.Work-history datesLets say you were laid off in April 2010. How should you list your job dates? You certainly cant say 2008present, since that would be misrepresentation. Is 2008-2010 acceptable, then?Theres no consensus on the date question among hiring managers or resume professionals. Resume writers such as Garwood have their clients put only the years on their resume, saying that it gives some leeway - until the year is over, anyway.Others such as Brian P. McGowan, Managing Partner of Aquinas Search Partners, strongly advise full disclosure relative to employment dates. It is better to be forthright and transparent than to potentially deceive or mislead a potential career opportunity with either an employer or recruiter, he said. Companies and executive search professionals are deliberate in their selection process and will conduct the due diligence to properly reference a candidate.Bailey concurred, pointing out that current employers verify all your information. I suggest that job seekers use the accurate month and year that their job ended. If the employer finds a discrepancy, they may believe that there are also other things on the resume that arent true. Its better to be as truthful as possible than to possibly lose an opportunity, she said.The bottom line List the month and date of your jobs. Even if 95 percent of professionals think its OK just to list years, there are still 5 percent who might smell a coverup. Dont risk alienating even one in 1,000 potential employers.

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Where I Work Chris Garrett

Where I Work Chris Garrett Where I Work Chris Garrett What does your desk say about you? Why is your office the way it is? How does it tie in with what you do for a living?Im fascinated by peoples work spaces which is why Im starting a regular feature to show where different people spend their days and to chat with them about what their desk says about them. (If youd like, send me a photo of your own workspace and I might just feature you next time).Today Im honored to feature one of my favorite bloggers, Chris Garrett. Chris is one of those guys who make you wonder just what youre doing with all your time. Hes a marketing and social media consultant, an author (his latest book is Problogger) and a prolific blogger with a large and dedicated following. It turns out that hes also a really nice guy. In fact, it was a video of his desk that first gave me the idea for this feature. Here it isWhen I saw all those toys, I had to ask why So heres my QA with Chris What are we looking at o n your desk and what does that say about you?I think my desk screams geek. It is cluttered with nerdy toys, like R2 D2 and a light saber from Star Wars, a sock puppet monkey, Bender robot from Futurama and a Transformers toy from the 1980s. What you cant see just out of shot is more of that stuff on the window sill.One of the advantages of working for yourself from home is you can have on your desk whatever makes you smile, but I have to be careful to not be playing with the stuff when my wife walks inMy wife shares the other half of the desk and has her iMac platzdeckchen up there. Her side is much tidier and features a The Boss mug which says it all really.Whats the one thing in your office that you would rescue in the event of a fire. (You only get one)My cat, Tigger. We used to have two, they were brothers from the same litter. Casper was my colleague, sitting on my desk or window while I worked for many years but he died recently. Now Tigger comes and visits instead. He doesnt spend as much time, just comes in to hang out then wanders off.How did you get into what you do now?Its a series of random events really. In the early 90s I was working at a college as a systems administrator. When they needed someone to set up their internet stuff I was the person who got to do it. I was setting up websites, routers, and all that before fruchtwein non-nerds had heard of any of it, so when there was a commercial interest I was well placed. I worked for internet consultancies and advertising agencies as a web geek until I finally went off on my own in 2005.Whats the best thing about your job?Freedom is the best part, I think. I can work from anywhere there is power and an internet connection, and since I have worked for myself I havent had to miss a single one of my daughters school events.Whats the most common misconception about your job?There are lots of misconceptions about my job, its hard to pick just one. I think the most common is that I am here as free techn ical support, 24/7, to people that bump into friends of far-flung relatives. Its not unusual to get a call at midnight from someone I have never met asking how to fix their twelve year old computer.To learn more about Chris, follow him on Twitter or visit his blog. To have your own workspace featured, send a photo (or video link) via the address on my contact page. Id love to see where you work

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Top trends in Milwaukee Hiring

Top trends in Milwaukee HiringTop trends in Milwaukee HiringTop trends in Milwaukee HiringIntelligence dug into whos hiring and for what in Milwaukee these days. If youre recruiting in this area, youll want to know what we found.Milwaukee is both a commercial and industrial hub for the Great Lakes region and places among the top manufacturing centers in the United States. Known for its breweries, the area is home to several universities, Fortune 500 companies, and several financial tafelgeschirr firms. The biggest drivers of job growth are the Milwaukee metro areas leisure and hospitality, retail, professional and business services, construction, and wholesale industries. In the past year this growth has been slightly offset by jobs shed in the financial activities industry. Still, the area has created 13,700 new jobs over the past 12-months the unemployment rate was 4.7% in July 2016 which was 0.2 percentage points below the national rate of 4.9%.By July 2016, 843,600 workers were e mployed in the Milwaukee area, and the market accounts for 32% of all Wisconsin jobs posted on Monster. To give you some insight into what your recruiting competitors are up to, our Intelligence team analyzed data from the CEB TalentNeuron tool to identify which companies are posting the fruchtwein jobs, and which jobs are most listed, and which jobs are most searched. Supporting Milwaukees job growth the positions most in-demand includes truck drivers, registered nurses, retail salespersons and supervisors and customer service representatives.What are companies hiring for?Most Common Employment in MilwaukeeRetail SalespersonsOffice Clerks, GeneralPersonal Care AidesCustomer tafelgeschirr RepresentativesLaborers and Freight, Stock, and Material Movers, HandMost In-Demand Jobs in MilwaukeeTruck Drivers, HeavyRegistered NursesRetail SalespersonsCustomer Service RepresentativesRetail SupervisorsMilwaukee Jobs38% of available Milwaukee area jobs are for Healthcare, Sales, and Technology workersOf all open healthcare positions, 44% of available Healthcare jobs are for NursesOf all open sales positions, 35% of available Sales jobs are for RetailOf all open technology positions, 32% of available Technology jobs are for Software EngineersMost Common Milwaukee Jobs IncludeTruck Drivers, Heavy Tractor-Trailer employed 8,280Annual wage $41,940Registered Nurses employed 18,200Annual wage $68,320Retail Salespersons employed 26,720Annual wage $25,130Customer Service Representatives employed 19,130Annual wage $38,080What are job seekers looking for?Most viewed Milwaukee jobsSales Representatives, Wholesale and ManufacturingCustomer Service RepresentativesSecretaries and Administrative AssistantsMiscellaneous Engineers (e.g., Validation Engineers, Manufacturing Engineers, etc.)Stock Clerks and Order FillersTop Milwaukee job searchesPart TimeSalesCustomer ServiceReceptionistAdministrative AssistantAccountingHuman ResourcesMarketingManagerITWant to know more about the top tre nds in Milwaukee hiring? Check out the Milwaukee Market Overview from Intelligence.Data finding are based on analysis of all available online jobs reported by the TalentNeuron tool and job seeking activity from more than 22 million unique visitors1.1comScore Media Metrix, 1Q 2016, 3-month average, (includes all US Mobile + PC traffic)

Monday, December 9, 2019

Untold Stories on Resume Correct Spelling That You Really Need to Read

Untold Stories on Resume Correct Spelling That You Really Need to Read The third strategy is to create rules based on statistical info. Especially users that write in a language which is not their mother tongue will gain from our on-line tool. You have to spend a certain quantity of time sitting in the library or surfing the internet so as to locate some helpful data for your academic paper. You may locate them at the library in case you dont need to purchase them, although I suggest buying every one of them. Keep in mind that accents seem good on paper, but onscreen, they have a tendency to produce things mora difficult to read. How much you could earn while your paper work is being done by somebody, who knows the way to do it correctly For instance, if youve got a Masters degree, there isnt any point to mention the Bachelor degree also. If youre ready to face all these challenges, we can wish a fantastic luck in receiving the maximum grade for your paper An individual sh ould not dismiss the amount of threat contagious sites bear. If, on the flip side, youre trying for a management job, you are going to want to demonstrate that youve got leadership experience. For instance, you can begin holding free classes at a neighborhood community center. Demonstrate positive effect. The 30-Second Trick for Resume Correct Spelling Think about it as a work Finally, attempt to think about an application letter for a scholarship precisely the saatkorn way that you would consider a letter youd write when applying for work. Nearly all scholarships continue to be based on grades, but some administrators are beginning to try to find different attributes too. To understand what you can receive from a scholarship, youve got to first know what you have in the manner of assets. Many students underestimate their chances and a few scholarships continue being unawarded each year since there are few or no applicants. Finding Resume Correct Spelling Online Clearly, i f you cannot write this up to the necessary standard, you should seek out qualified guidance. In addition the entire CV appears using the exact same colour scheme. Because of this guarantee, the delivered order will incorporate all crucial information. Ally you need to do is to correctly submit your order instructions and produce the payment. What Resume Correct Spelling Is - and What it Is Not Even then youre unable to discover the informative and accurate info. ur site features custom writing help and editing support. Our SGS website has a searchable database you need to be reviewing on a normal basis. Not all sites deliver such a function. Read my essay writing service reviews and my guide to selecting the ideal service for everything you want to understand about how to pick the best writing businesses. All writers working for this service will willingly receive an undertaking and theyre always doing their very best to deliver the ideal paper for the ideal price. Simp ly speaking, the service exists, so should you want to use it in order to find a top essay, thats reason enough. Youll discover our payout procedure to be fast, friendly and secure, and our staff always inclined to go the additional mile to satisfy your requirements. Life, Death and Resume Correct Spelling If you own a thought, ensure you finish it. Its really critical to make certain you use words correctly, and to not make the exact same mistakes that all these others do. In any event, it has to be clear and simple to locate promptly. Regardless, make sure to prepare well beforehand. You simply need to pass an easy procedure of authorization, click buy research papers, fill an effortless purchase form and thats it By way of example, even in North America, there are particular circumstances where a CV is required. Though a good solution for one-on-one time, it can likewise be a costly option. Review the work application requirements supplied by means of an employer. Th e spelling and grammar check isnt always accurate. Very good grammar is credibility, particularly on the world wide web. Opportunely, Word enables you to hide spelling and grammar errors so the lines arent going to appear on any computer. Particularly with grammar, there are lots of errors Word wont notice. The Foolproof Resume Correct Spelling Strategy If you purchase essays online, its really important to understand whether the work is still in process or has been finished. Actually, a seasoned writer can do the job much faster than any student as theyve been writing academic assignments during their entire life. Apparently not one of them is non-controversial. Write out all of the required detail. An excellent CV will use language that is positive and confident. If you hire me isnt a sentence. Therefore, in the event you decide to use mora action words, examples an always simple to discover. Every word you use must count, must have a goal.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Who Else Wants to Learn About Portfolio Activity Writing a Rsum Answer?

Who Else Wants to Learn About Portfolio Activity Writing a Rsum Answer? The important thing here is to present your very best get the job done, in place of the work which you think will impress a panel. Each description should comprise a single paragraph. In our world resembling a huge sea of information its important to gain access to every bit of text youve written. Consider how youll assess the portfolio as youre writing the assignment instructions. Up in Arms About Portfolio Activity Writing a Rsum Answer? Make certain you have understood whats required from you. Lets say it again, a portfolio essay may consist of distinctive genres of writings in addition to species (photography and other kinds of images). Lesson Summary A portfolio is an assortment of work. What You Dont Know About Portfolio Activity Writing a Rsum Answer Even though the class might only be a semester long, the students ought to be able to recognize the improvements and new writing strategies that t heyve developed. Rubrics are often used to evaluate portfolios. Portfolios are employed in a variety of professions to assemble typical or exemplary samples of performance. Performance assessments are developed and used in the industry world and in several professions for some moment. Whats Actually Happening with Portfolio Activity Writing a Rsum Answer You need to do things sometimes you dont like, so as to be in a position to do what you want later on. When theres not any way you can possibly make both of the other methods happen, this one is definitely the most fool-proof method to gain writing experience to construct your freelance writing portfolio. Lets say you must select your best short stories. Conventional ways just arent working for you and you want a way to construct your portfolio with internet content. When youre finished, you have your very first on-line sample that it is possible to share on social networking, add to your portfolio and provide in your pitc h. You then have somewhere to begin writing your very first sample. It is possible to create sample parts of content you would like to get paid to write about. A final approach to construct your portfolio is to simply create samples yourself. Oftentimes, writers gotten so knowledgeable about their own work they lose objectivity. You wish to transition or moonlight for a freelance writer, but dont have any proof on the internet that you can even write. Lets talk around three techniques you can construct your writing portfolio when youre just beginning in the freelance writing world. A creative writing portfolio is intended to showcase your work for a writer in a number of formats. Keep in mind that the purpose of the portfolio is to demonstrate the way the writer has grown and changed during the class. Definitely, the best method to construct your portfolio is by guest posting. Portfolios have various purposes. The standard artists portfolio is a good example. What to Expect From Portfolio Activity Writing a Rsum Answer? If you realize that you are stuck on a specific element of your work, you always have the option to move to a different undertaking, or stop altogether for some time. The particular thing with a portfolio essay is it includes reflection. My works do not look finished but thats because I need to create the reader active instead of passively perceiving the info presented in the story. A progress portfolio is utilised to demonstrate the progression of wisdom and skills as time passes.